Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Term projects

Personally I am very pro for term projects. For me, at least, helps to practice what I'v learned in the course of the semester. During the semester you are learning (or may be just encountering) lots of ideas and it would be ideal if you learn how to execute them. Even for some people ideas are worthless unless executed. In one of our courses in this semester we learned about limnology. Actually the objective of the course was much broader and limnology was just part of that. I just wanted to give you a sense of this class (Yes, I'm deeply thankful for our professor). Part of this class was accomplishing an analysis on a well studied reservoir and writing a paper in a standard format. Class was grouped up in several teams (not to mention that this helps teamwork as well - believe me, working as a team is much harder than you think. Sometimes you need to redo all things you've done already, but its fun! :)). Each team should prepare a write up and also a presentation for their work. Its very nice when you can see and use actual data and come up with new ideas beside developing skills you learned. At this moment we are in the middle of our write up section and I think we will have a wonderful term project. 

I made a video for some of the data we already processed:

I also made an interactive plot for visualizing rainfall data for the period that project was defined. For best experience please open it with Firefox browser. Select a time span or date you would like to see by holding the left button of your mouse (unless you are left handed and switched the button configuration) and double click to come back to the full graph. Ill have an update for this post. Let me know if you have any questions or ideas. 

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